Dara- Elf- Druid
Aramil- Eladrin - Warlord
Sonea- Human - Wizard
Shadow Dancer- Eladrin - Avenger
Mikal- Human- Rogue
Adahan (Boomer) - Human- Swordmage
Torrent- Human- Cleric
Bomilcar-Human- Undisclosed Defender Class
After leaving Torrent with her resistance superiors the group find themselves sitting in the temple guards common room, surrounded by a few of the men. Sonea never returned with Boomer as she was in the middle of business with her father the mage Diogeanese. Dara, Mikal, Aramil, Shadow Dancer and Boomer are sitting with Bomilcar, trying to formulate a plan of action. As it sits they need to get out of the city and head south to the Lyceum with the box Aramil carries. They also need to do something about the Arcanis cell, which as far as rumour goes, is in the city now and planning to assassinate some of the key political figures.
Much discussion occurs as they take time to kick back and refresh themselves.
After many ideas being banded around the Eladrin, Shadow Dancer, retrieves a piece of folded cloth from his person and throws it down for all to see.
‘Do any of you recognise this or know who they are?’ He speaks in particular to those new to the party.
The others recognise the red arm band from the attackers at the Poison Apple Pub- red fabric with a black horse head with strange arcane symbols below. Mikal and Boomer explain that they have indeed seen people in the city wearing such armbands but they don’t know who they are.
Discussion shifts to the Arcanis cell and who brought the news to Buron’s and Dara’s attention. Dara explains it was a dwarf she recognised as being the one on the gates to the depositary tower. His news was the reason Buron pulled Mikal off the city walls.
Mikal makes his way around the common room asking the guards if they have seen or know of a dwarf here at the temple. Most clam up and avoid speaking with him but one takes the time to explain the situation to Mikal.
‘My friend let me give you some advice. We operate in a cell structure. Even if we knew who this dwarf was we couldn’t tell you much at all. There was a dwarf here a few days ago wearing black armour with glowing symbols on it but that’s all I know. Y’know all sorts work for the resistance.’
Mikal comes back to the table. The description is quite obviously Torthen, so of no use.
Discussion still ensuing Dara stands up, obviously growing tired by what she sees as possibly useless talk. ‘We need to speak with Torrent. Regardless of whether or not she is still our leader on this mission, she has information above our knowledge and could be yaying or naying a lot of what we are discussing here. I suggest we carry this conversation on in her presence.’
Those present agree with this plan and with Dara’s decision to go speak to Torrent first as so far the others have nothing but rub the senior resistance members up the wrong way.
The others make their way down from the common room to the main hall of the temple while Dara climbs down the spiral staircase to the armoury. Just as she reaches the door there is a sudden silence and the door opens as she reaches her hand out to knock. Torrent looks out at her, looking drawn and shocked. Quietly she says ‘Bring the others here quickly! There have been new developments.’
As Dara turns to run back up Torrent adds ‘Don’t bring that Zaman Bomilcar. Keep him elsewhere!’
‘Duly noted.’ Dara nods curtly and continues upwards to retrieve the others.
Bomilcar is left in the temple hall with Aramil while the others return with Dara. Inside the room they find just Buron and Torrent looking drawn and pale. Badger is no longer with them.
It is explained that the Imperials have demanded that inquisitors be let into the city as part of a truce. The appeasment faction in the assembly are pressing for them to be allowed in to the city. Therefore the box and ourselves need to get to the lyceum before the assembly lets the inquisition in. The wolves at the door.
Torrent and Buron argue over the matter of escape from the city. They mention Diogeanese and Aerdum Menash.
Torrent turns back to what was her party. 'No one is being allowed to leave the city. The reason being they now have confirmed reports that imperial troops are now in the east of the pass. At the moment the numbers are described as being small but there is a presence. It’s time we planned our escape and got out of here. Or rather that it’s time we planned our escape and you got out of here. Given that you’ve not been paying any attention to my orders anyway. From now on you’ll be on your own and I’ll go back to the temple.
Speaking of which, I have more news about the assembly. It seems that during the start of the attacks that earth elementals killed assembly members in their homes. A further five began this morning. The pro-resistance and anti-appeasement assembly members and families have been killed.'
Mikal thinks for a moment then asks if we have access to a good forger and some of the passes from the assembly members who died.
Shadow Dancer agrees and asks if Buron can get these.
'It’s rather unfortunate as any passes signed by dead assembly men become void unless ratified by a living one.' Buron sighs. He suggests seeking out a certain gaudy house owned by Aerdum Menash.
'He has been known to sponsor some disreputable characters in the past. But...'
Torrent and Buron snap at each over the suggestion.
Buron explains 'Torrent prefers we go through Diogeanese as you have spoken with him before.'
Discussion ensues again, questions over whether Dara has any contacts within the Gryphon riders, or if she know any druids who might be able to help. Do we have contacts with the cavalrymen? Many options are explored in quite a flurry of talk.
In the end it is decided that we should get through to Diogeanese to discuss how to get out.
Quietly, Boomer leans over and tells Mikal about the gem he’s noticed on Bomilcar’s pommel. He mentions that it’s a Cat’s Eye gem which are linked with divination magic.
Shadow Dancer attention prickles on them. 'Really?'
Boomer nods.
It is agreed that they will have to be careful with Bomilcar in what he is privy to.
The party divide into groups as they leave for Gabals. Mikal and Boomer leave first.
Just before leaving himself Shadow Dancer asks Bomilcar about the crows and rats that have been following. As he has come to expect Bomilcar curtly denies it being some of his peoples, adding that he doesn’t pay attention to vermin.
Bomilcar leaves with Aramil. Dara and Shadow bring up the rear at a sensible distance, senses on edge for any sign of the followers.
Out of her peripheral vision Dara spots a rat high up in the gutters of the rooftops following their progress. She gives a hand gesture and the Eladrin takes aim and shoots with his crossbow. The bolt flies true to its target but just before hitting home it deflects off in another direction. The rat is under protection.
Dara moves closer throwing out thorn whip that strikes the rat but finds it immovable as if it were a much larger creature. Eldritch blast fires out from Shadow Dancer to no effect.
The rat looks round surprised, jumping a foot in the air as the second eldritch blast does nothing. The rat scampers out the way quickly transforming into a crow, flying up and over the rooftop to disappear into the city.
'What the hell was that?' Aramil’s voice is clearly heard by all.
Shadow and Dara quickly catch Aramil and Bomilcar up. 'That’s it gone for now. Let’s go quickly.'
Arriving at the academy we find it’s guarded by the red robes and city hoplites. Boomer does the talking, only getting us through when Sonea comes to get us.
Bomilcar stays outside Diogeanese’s house with Aramil and the box.
Diogeanese looks absolutely shattered. He is not happy. He’s dishevelled and it seems we’ve got him out his bed.
Diogeanese looks crossly at the group in his home again. 'What do you want from me?'
Mikal continues 'We need help to get out of the city.'
'You would need an assembly man to get you out.' He waves his hand impatiently.
Sighing he continues. 'I know of one who is mad enough. He’ll want something in return- wearing his gaudy adventuring equipment no doubt. Of course if he can help you then there is always a chance I can get you out by giving me ten minutes to charm the guards. However charming guards gets risky and tricky.'
Mikal finds this isn’t good enough. 'I’m sorry but in ten minutes I’m sure I could knock everyone one of them out.'
Diogeanese’s eyes flash 'I’m sorry you’re either very sure of your abilities or you are rudely impugning mine!'
The conversation is taken onto other ideas for escape with Mikal bringing it back round again.
'Can you think of a way to get us out of the east gate?'
'Hhmph. You could always try sneaking over one of the other walls. There are north and south goat paths leading away from Gate Pass. The outlying farms have paths off the mountains.' Suggests the wizard.
Boomer nods his head respectfully. 'Thank you Diogeanese.'
'Stop grovelling!' Diogeanese grunts and waves them out. No rest for the wicked he thinks to himself sourly.
When they get outside they find Aramil is finishing a very dirty joke- 'So the halfing says are you kidding me that was me trying to get on the bed!'
Bomilcar looks unamused.
Mikal fills them in on what they missed.
Boomer agrees. 'There are two options we can go to Menash, he may get us out but we’d have to wear his advertisement. The other option is to climb over the walls to the south or north. The south seems like the better bet.'
'We should climb over the wall and outfit everyone in dark clothing.' Mikal adds.
Shadow Dancers eyes look at him pointedly.
Mikal smiles 'Everyone else then.'
He explains that the citizen hoplites are guarding the walls. Even though it is still daylight, darkness will be in a few hours. He suggests that Shadow could climb the wall and drop down rope for the others to follow and he can leave via a gate and set up a fire or a distraction to keep the guards busy.
Bomilcar coughs. 'If we are climbing through the mountains we need to get supplies. So stop talking and get your gear. Menash’s supplies are effective, reputable but gaudy. Though while we were in that temple I noticed there were large amounts of supplies.'
Boomer asks 'How long till the Lyceum?'
'Three hundred miles as the crow flies.'
'Ten to fifteen days by foot.' adds Shadow.
Bomilcar continues. 'If we are going through the mountains and west we will be going through imperial territory.'
Everyone agrees to head back to the temple, arriving to hear the various bells on the towers tolling out of sequence at a time when there should be none. Something has happened. They can't let themselves be distracted so get to work.
Shadow Dancer suggests getting Mikal to lead sturdy horses to the returning scout patrols so they can leave again. It will get the supplies carried; there is no official notice of us leaving the city and no notice that we are mounted.
Bomilcar agrees. 'The mounts should be carrying supplies for scouts.'
Shadow asks what he would suggest.
He rattles off weights of meat, how much mules eat, how many you need, how much equipment, that mountain ponies would be better. You are better on foot going through. We need a pack mule for each of us and two or three to carry the extra food. He has already prepared a list of supplies.
Aramil smiles 'You’re a handy person to have around!'
Bomilcar nods. 'As Shadow Dancer said I am a very seasoned campaigner. The temple can provide us with food and firewood. Mules need to be bought or stolen.'
Mikal turns to Dara. 'Can you transform into a mule?'
She glowers at the idea saying something in Eladrin that means go fuck yourself.
Aramil raises an eyebrow but says nothing.
Buron and the quartermaster arrange supplies for two weeks but no mules.
Boomer asks if Dara knows anyone who may have mules.
'Yes I do.'
Mikal tries again. He explains that it would helpful if she turned into a mule so he could smuggle her out with the rest of the creatures. It would be helpful to have a second person outside with the train.
Dara agrees now that she understands she isn’t expected to be a fulltime pack animal for the trip.
Now ready, the party make their way east for about three quarters of the city, taking them past the Grand Square with the statue of Coal-Tongue, and past the gaudy house of Mr Menash. The road they follow is Emelk Way, the most direct main road in the city. They hurry as Dara knows her acquaintance will shut up shop by nightfall.
At the mule dealer we find the house is boarded up with some dead mules in the yard. The remaining mules are scrawny and look undernourished. Mikal examines them. They are scrawny but actually just under-exercised so are worth a try.
Knocking on the door there is no answer. Mikal unlocks it.
Dara enters finding a huge hole in the roof and the sour odour of a dead gryphon. Shadow
Dancer, Boomer, Mikal spread out to loot the place for things they can use.
Shadow finds the bills of ownership for the mules and they are blank. Boomer carves up the gryphon body for steaks. Mikal finds a black bladed long sword above a fireplace. He also finds many items of female clothing, expensive looking and on the dresser he finds a locked book. There is also a small box containing four vials of red liquid, a 500gp pearl ring, 100gp worth of costume jewellery and a lock box of 400gp in mixed change.
Aramil and Dara have busied themselves with finding tack for the mules. The others arrive and Shadow shows Mikal the blank ownership papers. Mikal advises they be assigned to him. It is agreed and completed. Just as they’re tacking up outside they hear a loud explosion from a district or two west of where they are. A pillar of flame shoots into the air near the statue of Coal-Tongue.
The tacking is finished in a flurry.
'Let’s just go!' calls Shadow as he fastens a mules’ bridal.
As they get onto Emelk way they find it is now thronging with panicked people. Rumours abound about the Torch of the Burning Sky, volcanoes, and invisible dragons. Large numbers of Gryphon riders circle above, calling down to tell everyone to get into their homes.
Menash’s estate has been blown-up, he was a member of the assembly after all.
The sheer number of people and guards begins to force us off the Emelk Way down into a side road away from the crowd. The sharper senses of Dara, Mikal and Shadow notice that as the tumult fades there are footfalls behind us, scrunching in the snow and ice. Mikal glances behind seeing torchlight reflected off the homes behind us. Shadow Dancer calls to Aramil. 'Go ahead and make preparations.'
Shadow and Mikal go to hide to wait for those that follow. Aramil and Bomilcar shoot ahead while
Boomer and Dara will follow with the painfully slow mules.
From their hiding place they notice four men dressed in city hoplite armour. The guards follow their footprints to the closed doorway and look up startled. They see nothing. Shadow Dancer and Mikal are hidden completely.
Aramil and Bomilcar turn a corner and find four men in red armbands in front of them. Standing four abreast across a tiny street
Aramil calls out in a mock friendly tone. 'Evening gents!'
Much discussion occurs as they take time to kick back and refresh themselves.
After many ideas being banded around the Eladrin, Shadow Dancer, retrieves a piece of folded cloth from his person and throws it down for all to see.
‘Do any of you recognise this or know who they are?’ He speaks in particular to those new to the party.
The others recognise the red arm band from the attackers at the Poison Apple Pub- red fabric with a black horse head with strange arcane symbols below. Mikal and Boomer explain that they have indeed seen people in the city wearing such armbands but they don’t know who they are.
Discussion shifts to the Arcanis cell and who brought the news to Buron’s and Dara’s attention. Dara explains it was a dwarf she recognised as being the one on the gates to the depositary tower. His news was the reason Buron pulled Mikal off the city walls.
Mikal makes his way around the common room asking the guards if they have seen or know of a dwarf here at the temple. Most clam up and avoid speaking with him but one takes the time to explain the situation to Mikal.
‘My friend let me give you some advice. We operate in a cell structure. Even if we knew who this dwarf was we couldn’t tell you much at all. There was a dwarf here a few days ago wearing black armour with glowing symbols on it but that’s all I know. Y’know all sorts work for the resistance.’
Mikal comes back to the table. The description is quite obviously Torthen, so of no use.
Discussion still ensuing Dara stands up, obviously growing tired by what she sees as possibly useless talk. ‘We need to speak with Torrent. Regardless of whether or not she is still our leader on this mission, she has information above our knowledge and could be yaying or naying a lot of what we are discussing here. I suggest we carry this conversation on in her presence.’
Those present agree with this plan and with Dara’s decision to go speak to Torrent first as so far the others have nothing but rub the senior resistance members up the wrong way.
The others make their way down from the common room to the main hall of the temple while Dara climbs down the spiral staircase to the armoury. Just as she reaches the door there is a sudden silence and the door opens as she reaches her hand out to knock. Torrent looks out at her, looking drawn and shocked. Quietly she says ‘Bring the others here quickly! There have been new developments.’
As Dara turns to run back up Torrent adds ‘Don’t bring that Zaman Bomilcar. Keep him elsewhere!’
‘Duly noted.’ Dara nods curtly and continues upwards to retrieve the others.
Bomilcar is left in the temple hall with Aramil while the others return with Dara. Inside the room they find just Buron and Torrent looking drawn and pale. Badger is no longer with them.
It is explained that the Imperials have demanded that inquisitors be let into the city as part of a truce. The appeasment faction in the assembly are pressing for them to be allowed in to the city. Therefore the box and ourselves need to get to the lyceum before the assembly lets the inquisition in. The wolves at the door.
Torrent and Buron argue over the matter of escape from the city. They mention Diogeanese and Aerdum Menash.
Torrent turns back to what was her party. 'No one is being allowed to leave the city. The reason being they now have confirmed reports that imperial troops are now in the east of the pass. At the moment the numbers are described as being small but there is a presence. It’s time we planned our escape and got out of here. Or rather that it’s time we planned our escape and you got out of here. Given that you’ve not been paying any attention to my orders anyway. From now on you’ll be on your own and I’ll go back to the temple.
Speaking of which, I have more news about the assembly. It seems that during the start of the attacks that earth elementals killed assembly members in their homes. A further five began this morning. The pro-resistance and anti-appeasement assembly members and families have been killed.'
Mikal thinks for a moment then asks if we have access to a good forger and some of the passes from the assembly members who died.
Shadow Dancer agrees and asks if Buron can get these.
'It’s rather unfortunate as any passes signed by dead assembly men become void unless ratified by a living one.' Buron sighs. He suggests seeking out a certain gaudy house owned by Aerdum Menash.
'He has been known to sponsor some disreputable characters in the past. But...'
Torrent and Buron snap at each over the suggestion.
Buron explains 'Torrent prefers we go through Diogeanese as you have spoken with him before.'
Discussion ensues again, questions over whether Dara has any contacts within the Gryphon riders, or if she know any druids who might be able to help. Do we have contacts with the cavalrymen? Many options are explored in quite a flurry of talk.
In the end it is decided that we should get through to Diogeanese to discuss how to get out.
Quietly, Boomer leans over and tells Mikal about the gem he’s noticed on Bomilcar’s pommel. He mentions that it’s a Cat’s Eye gem which are linked with divination magic.
Shadow Dancer attention prickles on them. 'Really?'
Boomer nods.
It is agreed that they will have to be careful with Bomilcar in what he is privy to.
The party divide into groups as they leave for Gabals. Mikal and Boomer leave first.
Just before leaving himself Shadow Dancer asks Bomilcar about the crows and rats that have been following. As he has come to expect Bomilcar curtly denies it being some of his peoples, adding that he doesn’t pay attention to vermin.
Bomilcar leaves with Aramil. Dara and Shadow bring up the rear at a sensible distance, senses on edge for any sign of the followers.
Out of her peripheral vision Dara spots a rat high up in the gutters of the rooftops following their progress. She gives a hand gesture and the Eladrin takes aim and shoots with his crossbow. The bolt flies true to its target but just before hitting home it deflects off in another direction. The rat is under protection.
Dara moves closer throwing out thorn whip that strikes the rat but finds it immovable as if it were a much larger creature. Eldritch blast fires out from Shadow Dancer to no effect.
The rat looks round surprised, jumping a foot in the air as the second eldritch blast does nothing. The rat scampers out the way quickly transforming into a crow, flying up and over the rooftop to disappear into the city.
'What the hell was that?' Aramil’s voice is clearly heard by all.
Shadow and Dara quickly catch Aramil and Bomilcar up. 'That’s it gone for now. Let’s go quickly.'
Arriving at the academy we find it’s guarded by the red robes and city hoplites. Boomer does the talking, only getting us through when Sonea comes to get us.
Bomilcar stays outside Diogeanese’s house with Aramil and the box.
Diogeanese looks absolutely shattered. He is not happy. He’s dishevelled and it seems we’ve got him out his bed.
Diogeanese looks crossly at the group in his home again. 'What do you want from me?'
Mikal continues 'We need help to get out of the city.'
'You would need an assembly man to get you out.' He waves his hand impatiently.
Sighing he continues. 'I know of one who is mad enough. He’ll want something in return- wearing his gaudy adventuring equipment no doubt. Of course if he can help you then there is always a chance I can get you out by giving me ten minutes to charm the guards. However charming guards gets risky and tricky.'
Mikal finds this isn’t good enough. 'I’m sorry but in ten minutes I’m sure I could knock everyone one of them out.'
Diogeanese’s eyes flash 'I’m sorry you’re either very sure of your abilities or you are rudely impugning mine!'
The conversation is taken onto other ideas for escape with Mikal bringing it back round again.
'Can you think of a way to get us out of the east gate?'
'Hhmph. You could always try sneaking over one of the other walls. There are north and south goat paths leading away from Gate Pass. The outlying farms have paths off the mountains.' Suggests the wizard.
Boomer nods his head respectfully. 'Thank you Diogeanese.'
'Stop grovelling!' Diogeanese grunts and waves them out. No rest for the wicked he thinks to himself sourly.
When they get outside they find Aramil is finishing a very dirty joke- 'So the halfing says are you kidding me that was me trying to get on the bed!'
Bomilcar looks unamused.
Mikal fills them in on what they missed.
Boomer agrees. 'There are two options we can go to Menash, he may get us out but we’d have to wear his advertisement. The other option is to climb over the walls to the south or north. The south seems like the better bet.'
'We should climb over the wall and outfit everyone in dark clothing.' Mikal adds.
Shadow Dancers eyes look at him pointedly.
Mikal smiles 'Everyone else then.'
He explains that the citizen hoplites are guarding the walls. Even though it is still daylight, darkness will be in a few hours. He suggests that Shadow could climb the wall and drop down rope for the others to follow and he can leave via a gate and set up a fire or a distraction to keep the guards busy.
Bomilcar coughs. 'If we are climbing through the mountains we need to get supplies. So stop talking and get your gear. Menash’s supplies are effective, reputable but gaudy. Though while we were in that temple I noticed there were large amounts of supplies.'
Boomer asks 'How long till the Lyceum?'
'Three hundred miles as the crow flies.'
'Ten to fifteen days by foot.' adds Shadow.
Bomilcar continues. 'If we are going through the mountains and west we will be going through imperial territory.'
Everyone agrees to head back to the temple, arriving to hear the various bells on the towers tolling out of sequence at a time when there should be none. Something has happened. They can't let themselves be distracted so get to work.
Shadow Dancer suggests getting Mikal to lead sturdy horses to the returning scout patrols so they can leave again. It will get the supplies carried; there is no official notice of us leaving the city and no notice that we are mounted.
Bomilcar agrees. 'The mounts should be carrying supplies for scouts.'
Shadow asks what he would suggest.
He rattles off weights of meat, how much mules eat, how many you need, how much equipment, that mountain ponies would be better. You are better on foot going through. We need a pack mule for each of us and two or three to carry the extra food. He has already prepared a list of supplies.
Aramil smiles 'You’re a handy person to have around!'
Bomilcar nods. 'As Shadow Dancer said I am a very seasoned campaigner. The temple can provide us with food and firewood. Mules need to be bought or stolen.'
Mikal turns to Dara. 'Can you transform into a mule?'
She glowers at the idea saying something in Eladrin that means go fuck yourself.
Aramil raises an eyebrow but says nothing.
Buron and the quartermaster arrange supplies for two weeks but no mules.
Boomer asks if Dara knows anyone who may have mules.
'Yes I do.'
Mikal tries again. He explains that it would helpful if she turned into a mule so he could smuggle her out with the rest of the creatures. It would be helpful to have a second person outside with the train.
Dara agrees now that she understands she isn’t expected to be a fulltime pack animal for the trip.
Now ready, the party make their way east for about three quarters of the city, taking them past the Grand Square with the statue of Coal-Tongue, and past the gaudy house of Mr Menash. The road they follow is Emelk Way, the most direct main road in the city. They hurry as Dara knows her acquaintance will shut up shop by nightfall.
At the mule dealer we find the house is boarded up with some dead mules in the yard. The remaining mules are scrawny and look undernourished. Mikal examines them. They are scrawny but actually just under-exercised so are worth a try.
Knocking on the door there is no answer. Mikal unlocks it.
Dara enters finding a huge hole in the roof and the sour odour of a dead gryphon. Shadow
Dancer, Boomer, Mikal spread out to loot the place for things they can use.
Shadow finds the bills of ownership for the mules and they are blank. Boomer carves up the gryphon body for steaks. Mikal finds a black bladed long sword above a fireplace. He also finds many items of female clothing, expensive looking and on the dresser he finds a locked book. There is also a small box containing four vials of red liquid, a 500gp pearl ring, 100gp worth of costume jewellery and a lock box of 400gp in mixed change.
Aramil and Dara have busied themselves with finding tack for the mules. The others arrive and Shadow shows Mikal the blank ownership papers. Mikal advises they be assigned to him. It is agreed and completed. Just as they’re tacking up outside they hear a loud explosion from a district or two west of where they are. A pillar of flame shoots into the air near the statue of Coal-Tongue.
The tacking is finished in a flurry.
'Let’s just go!' calls Shadow as he fastens a mules’ bridal.
As they get onto Emelk way they find it is now thronging with panicked people. Rumours abound about the Torch of the Burning Sky, volcanoes, and invisible dragons. Large numbers of Gryphon riders circle above, calling down to tell everyone to get into their homes.
Menash’s estate has been blown-up, he was a member of the assembly after all.
The sheer number of people and guards begins to force us off the Emelk Way down into a side road away from the crowd. The sharper senses of Dara, Mikal and Shadow notice that as the tumult fades there are footfalls behind us, scrunching in the snow and ice. Mikal glances behind seeing torchlight reflected off the homes behind us. Shadow Dancer calls to Aramil. 'Go ahead and make preparations.'
Shadow and Mikal go to hide to wait for those that follow. Aramil and Bomilcar shoot ahead while
Boomer and Dara will follow with the painfully slow mules.
From their hiding place they notice four men dressed in city hoplite armour. The guards follow their footprints to the closed doorway and look up startled. They see nothing. Shadow Dancer and Mikal are hidden completely.
Aramil and Bomilcar turn a corner and find four men in red armbands in front of them. Standing four abreast across a tiny street
Aramil calls out in a mock friendly tone. 'Evening gents!'
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