Showing posts with label Anya Eisenjaeger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anya Eisenjaeger. Show all posts

Thursday, 19 January 2012

The Van Tanncred Sword [Warhammer] Women's Talk

Angestag 7th Ulriczeit 2522

I found Danielle sitting in the blanketed warmth of her bunk on her own. The others were elsewhere, possibly stretching their legs in the little town we are berthed at. 
"How are you feeling today? Did you sleep well?" I came in and sat at the edge of her bed. She looked up and smiled, giving me a happy nod. She looked genuinely pleased to see me. The dark had gone from under her eyes.
"I am glad. Danielle, I wanted to apologise for all the trouble I caused us the other night. You especially. I would not have wished for all the world to put you in danger. I am sorry." 
Confusion crossed her face. "Danger? Hah! Nah, no danger at all. It was ostentatious to be a lady for the evening." she said this with an upper class accent and a flourish of her hands. The illusion lasted a moment and ended with a snort. "It's not everyday you hit a hired ass on the head with a skillet and then get to act the lady. Though I don't know how you can do it." she said rolling her eyes.
Danielle’s nonchalance in the face of danger shocked me but I suppose it shouldn’t have. My nerves suddenly evaporated watching her exaggerated pantomime and I melted into laughter. I could not help but give my friend a hug. Her humour never fails to warm my heart.
"Woah! What's all this now? You’re acting funny girl. Did the dwarf give you some of his ale? Lord help you if he has!" she made a show of patting the iron implement.
I laughed and wiped at my teary eyes "No! No no no no no... I am sorry. I am just relieved. I thought you would be angry with me." I took a deep breath and composed myself for the more serious questioning.
"Danielle. You have been more like a sister to me in the past two weeks than I have had the pleasure of in such a time but what I am about to ask you I need to hear what your heart says on this matter." I looked into her eyes to make sure I had her full attention. To impress upon her the gravity of what I asked.
"Do you understand just how much 1000 crowns is worth? What it could bring you? You would be royalty among us with that in your purse. Not a care you would have in your life from here on.
   That is what I am worth now, more to my father if he gets me back. But I won't go back. Not now and not ever. I would rather die than return to the life I have left behind. You must think me a spoilt unthankful girl to not be able to appreciate what was handed to me on a golden platter as a merchant's daughter... I cannot." I fell silent and looked down my hands. I had never seen them so dirty before, I hardly recognised them.
There was no reaction at first and this made my imagination think on what she might be considering. Maybe she hadn’t thought on the reward and what it could do for her? Hadn’t thought on what a prize I could be? Maybe she was considering what to tell me?
The sound of Danielle snorting and bursting into a fit of laughter caught me off guard. I looked up to see her wiping her face and gasping for breath between giggles.
"Anya! Oh sorry, Andreas! Do you really think I'm gonna support some twisted man that is forcing you to marry? By the Ladies no! And may the Gods forbid such a thing should ever occur. You marry when you want to girl, and not because it's deemed proper, or whatever they say." She shook her head and continued. "Yes, 1000 crowns is tempting but not to me. It's adventure I crave and not the fine and grand things in life. Any man such as touches you with an intention of trading you in for 1000 crowns will feel my mighty iron!" and with that she made a whooshing noise with her skillet and mimicked Grunnd's voice in a mighty "Hah hah!"

I broke down completely at such a display, sobbing in relief. I believed her words to be true. I do not think Danielle cares for guile. I now have my answer from the two people closest to me. I feel I need not watch my back so closely as an animal hunted.
I calmed and eventually sat back to wipe my face clear with my sleeve. Disgusting but it was all I had. The sheer relief of receiving such care and support from both Danielle and Grunnd left me grinning like a child. I had not cried so hard in such a long time, had not felt safe to. A heavy weight had lifted from my heart. I clasped her hands "Thank you. Truly, thank you! There are not words for me to explain how big a gift that is to me. Thank you!” I sat back a little so as not to embarrass her. I changed the subject. “So, it is adventure you crave? Your mother did you a disservice in giving you to an initiate of Morr then didn't she? How do you put up with such a self-important man? I would expect life with Stefan must be boring indeed! Though, he is harmless I suppose." 

"My mother..." Danielle sighed and looked away, "only had the best intentions for me. She didn't want me to end up with nothing like sh-" she stopped suddenly and coughed. "Um, she just didn't want me to end up alone. Since I refused to find myself a husband she just thought Stefan was the best she could do on her death bed." she smiled knowingly, "Stefan, though he is flat out boring like a dry piece of toast, let's me be myself. Yes, he has the right to boss me around but you notice how he does not punish me for speaking my mind like some other master's would. So I am not living in torture. Yet at the same time I am happy to be coming along on an adventure. Death is possible, yes. But it does not scare me as much as other things would."
I felt bad from bringing up a subject that seemed to take her back to a painful time but what she said was true.
"I understand. I know how you feel. There are fates worse than death as we have seen no? Upon looking at it like that your mother did do you a great kindness as her last act. I did not mean to be rude. It is true that if any servant spoke in our home the way you do... they would be dismissed at best or 'punished' at worse. The head of our staff had a temper on her, but everyone toed the line."
With that we both decided to stretch our legs before the captain had us cast off again. I felt light like a feather. 
We are back on board now. I am told we should be at Talabheim in under a week. I am unsure what to do with my time from here until then, but I feel I do not wish to mar this light mood I have with any of the dark that is passed or is yet to come. Maybe I will write here, but maybe not. We shall see.
~ Mäuschen ~

[Next entry - Children of Chaos]
[Previous entry - Blind Beggar Inn]
[First entry - Ranald's Luck]

Sunday, 15 January 2012

The Van Tanncred Sword [Warhammer] Blind Beggar Inn

Angestag 7th Ulriczeit 2522

It is freezing on deck where I sit now. My breath clouds white from my lips which nip from the icy air. The sky is clear overhead with the last stars fading from the newly rising dawn, of which only the brightest stand defiantly in her gaze. The blue lightens to the yellow of hot metal, though no heat is to be found here in Ulric’s month. We march ever forward to the day of least light that of the longest night, a little way off but not long. Frost coats the deck like a dusting of fine ground diamonds, a bitter beauty. Peace hangs like a mist.

Not many are moving on board, not any who do not need to be that is. I myself am sat with as many layers as I could don. A rough blanket is folded beneath me to keep from the chill. I have another over my legs. Against all common sense I am awake and writing on some of the fresh parchment I acquired in Altdorf’s markets. It is not my best script as these new gloves are stiff but it is better than blackened  shriveled fingers the sailers of Erengrad tell of. My ‘acquired’ hat protects my head.
I awoke to find the sky still starry like a dark embroidered gown and the false dawn showing the promise of things to come this morn. All in our quarters slept soundly in all their various fashions, dark mounds in a room warm from breath and bodies.
My mind was calm but perfectly awake. No reason. I just opened my eyes and felt no need to stay in the bunk. I wanted to come outside and watch the sun rise. A new day in my new life.
Now that the sun has risen I write. Writing soothes me. You are the friend I need never fear of loosing. I do not need to pretend to be anyone other than who I am whilst speaking to you. You are silent and patient. You do not judge my innermost thoughts and desires. You do not heap scorn on me for feeling or thinking the way I do. You are my mirror where I see what really is, the quiet room where I can listen to the echo of truth. 
It is two weeks since I woke in Marienburg last and so much has changed, such a long time in my mind. You already know the tale of there to here, but what of the events I have not spoken of? What happened in the Blind Beggar in Altdorf?
Grunnd’s suspicions were right. It was a night of little sleep and much disturbance. 

The first time I woke to a man being shown the short way down the stairs for having turned the handle on the ‘wrong door’. Grunnd does not hold back when he hits. When he came back to the room he replaced the chair below the door and dismissed the encounter. “We’ll know soon enough what is to come. That was only the beginning of tonights entertainment I think.”
He shook his head and asked me outright. “Tell me mouse. Who exactly is your father? More importantly, what lengths would he be willing to go to get you back? What are we facing here?”
The questions felt like a chiding, in fact I was almost embarrassed to admit I had not considered the full consequences of who I am and how it would affect how long I would be free for when I ran. I explained that my father is Johann Eisenjaeger. One of the wealthiest, most successful and consequently probably one of the most powerful Marienburgian merchants alive. Though the power struggles and posturing of merchants is a politically turbulent and wholly labile affair. At home, to me, he is just ‘father’. I admitted that I had assumed very naively that I would be free to make my way in the world and that the loss of one daughter would not be of much consequence. It seemed I was wrong. 
Grunnd agreed that it was rather short sighted of me but that we would deal with what came. He then asked me out of interest what the circumstances were that caused such a well placed young lady to run away in the first place? From a life with such promise as to be the daughter of a highly successful merchant? What was so wrong?
This brought back memories I would rather not have faced at that time of night. I decided to be brief and not delve into a history that would go dredging in the deep. 
“I am sorry. I am not trying to be awkward but I do not wish to discuss in full my reasoning tonight, another time perhaps, but here is the quick of the tale. My father wished me married to one of his close friend’s sons, an ally if you will. I could not dissuade him from this decision as I had done in the past. I lost my heart long ago to the seas of Manann and I will not be forced to settle for less than what I lost. On the day of our wedding my brother helped me make my escape. I did not arrive at the temple where my groom and future family waited. I took flight and stayed with some of Andreas’s friends before deciding to make my own way. You know the rest. I chose the wrong man to fish from.” 
Later after sleeping what felt like moments, I woke. I threw myself from where I slept into a bleary upright. My limbs trembled with the urge to run or fight while my eyes fought to remain open, trying to make sense of why I was standing. The sound of Grunnd’s voice told me this was it. I loaded my pistol hastily,  fumbling and turning to the door as I heard the sound of men outside in the hall. Within a heart beat Grunnd threw the chair through the window with no warning. The shattering glass shocked my tired nerves and my pistol went off, firing through the closed door. Then, the shriek of a man in pain. I’d shot someone through the door! A voice yelled “Get the girl!”. It was me they were here for.
It all happened in a blur of confusion after that. Grunnd ordered me away from the door. Moving toward the window and I caught the tip of a pistol edging round the jagged frame. I threw my back against the wall and began hastily reloading. If only I had a second pistol, a rapier, something. Grunnd gave our assailants the opportunity to rethink their course of action before the repercussions began. He gave me the choice. This was it. Did I want to end it all and go back to my father, or did I want to stay here? “What will it be little mouse? Predator or prey?” I chose the now, my freedom.
All but one of the hired men died in what ensued. The one Grunnd tackled down the stairs as he tried to flee, I am not so sure of. I believe he and Storm Breaker may have had some unpleasant words. I think Grunnd would have left him as a messenger to go back to Albrecht. 
Not wanting to have to deal with the Watch he bade us move quick. Stefan gave the dead their rites as we looted the bodies. I was quietly pleased to find myself that second pistol and a hat to add to my disguise. I was to go with Stefan and Hans as men together to the Temple of Sigmar, to await the morning before going to the Blue Bird. Grunnd took Danielle but not before I had given her one of my brother’s coats to make her disguise as me all the more convincing. 
No more excitement happened that night. We left the temple with the rising sun and arrived at the quayside to find Grunnd and Danielle were safe also. As they approached Grunnd smiled “That’s a fine hat mouse.” I nodded and smiled. No use for pleasantries, Stefan in is inimitable style handed me his bag and strode up the gangway to rouse the captain. 

I followed his course with my eyes. Watching his serious expression. His gate full of importance. The man who appeared was not who should have been there. It was Albrecht. My heart fluttered and ice ran under my skin. A trap! I drew my new hat over my eyes and whispered to either side of me who it was. I squinted sideways down the wharf but could not see any armed men. Grunnd rattled along the gangway after Stefan and demanded what was happening. I could not hear much but I imagine from what I know now Albrecht was asking if anyone had seen me as he had heard I was to be onboard. Grunnd yelled at me “You boy! Bring me my belongings.” Against every voice in my mind I made my way on to the boat at which Albrecht took his leave. With not so much as a look at me he handed me a note while passing with instructions to give it to ‘my master’. I made sure to keep my hat tilted but did not have a problem disguising my voice. My throat rasped tight as I spoke "Yes sir". 
You already know what the note said. Albrecht knows Anya Eisenjaeger is now in service to the Empire for thievery and is most probably on the Blue Bird to Talabheim. Other than that? Nothing. For we ourselves do not know what the future holds. Snow I suspect, or rain. Rain is one of the few certainties in this life. Considering the clear sky for now and the frost we may have a reprieve to catch our breath.
~ Mäuschen ~

[Previous entry - What It Takes]
[Next entry - Women's Talk]
[First entry - Ranald's Luck]

Saturday, 14 January 2012

The Van Tanncred Sword [Warhammer] What It Takes

Konistag 6th Ulriczeit 2522

I needed to know where I stood. My new status as the Empire’s most hunted left me vulnerable to all. 
I went up on deck and found Grunnd taking some air, leaning against the side of the boat. The sun was not long for the day as it was already sliding into the trees. Darkness like spilt ink was already coloring the landscape, blotting out the details. I quickly scanned around to make sure we would not be overheard.
“On the water again, eh? I for one will not miss the cart.” I leaned on the rail to look down at  black water. Grunnd huffed a side smile in reply. 
“Grunnd...” I sighed, swallowed hard and took my chance. I needed to know. The rest followed fast.
“I will not go back. You are right. I made my decision back at the Inn and it is the path I choose now. I would not blame you if the 1000 crowns changed your feelings towards me.” I held my hand to stop any interruptions and and closed my eyes against any tears. Deep breath.
“You do not know me from Morr, Grunnd. You have shown me kindness but you are a mortal and I am now a very wealthy ‘commodity’.” Now I looked him full in the eye and through clenched teeth continued, “I would not blame anyone for being swayed by that. Not you, not Verstohlen, not them.” I jerked my head intimating the others. “But know this...” at this I pulled my blade out, lifting it to press it against my throat for only him to see my conviction. “I will not go down whole for I would rather die than go back. I am no longer an Eisenjaeger. I am not Anya. This is my choice.”
Grunnd had stood watching me silently, letting me speak. As quickly as I drew my dagger he gently but firmly put his hand over the blade and lowered it, shaking his head, expression grim.
"Never draw steel mouse, unless you intend to bloody the blade. Too many fools in this world too keen to get their blades out. Few are willing to deal with the consequences." 
His expression softened as he regarded me. "It’s not fair mouse. You being forced into this life but it’s not too bad a life. Aye, ours is a dangerous ...deadly path even, but we’re free are we not? You and I. I'd take freedom over a life of servitude any day. Why do you think a dwarf of the Grey Mountains plys his trade in death on the streets of the Empire and not in his homelands fighting the greenskins? Nah, we're not so different you and I mouse. We both have a home we'd rather not return to."
A gentle smile crossed his face with a thought. "A thousand crowns, eh? What would old Grunnd do with a thousand crowns I wonder?” Another laugh. He looked up at the sky and back again.
“I'd have a stinking hangover for a start! And we both know how i feel about them. I could buy a nice shiny new hammer? But what hammer is better than Storm Breaker? No mouse, you have nothing to fear from me on that part. A king’s ransom in gold means little to me as long as I have enough coin to get a room, eat a hot meal of an evening and payment for services I'm happy just being on the road doing steady honest...just work for an honest pay."
“The others I can’t speak for - the longshanks, he doesn’t strike me as the material type; the wench, she has a good heart; and the boy? Well him I’m undecided about. Of all of us he might have the most reason to turn you in, but again, I don’t know if he is quick enough to realize it." With that he reached over and gave my hand a squeeze. My eyes were watering a little with relief.
"Don’t worry mouse. I'll keep you safe as best I can and soon lass, maybe old Grunnd will need protecting, and I'd gladly have no other watching my back than you." He gave me a wink and looked back out across the water again.
That was all I needed to know and more. A hot tear rolled down my cheek and my heart leapt with happiness. Very quickly I lifted his tricorne and kissed his bare head with a whispered “Thank you.” before striding away back to the shared guest sleeping quarters. I didn’t look back to see his reaction. 
Danielle is already sleeping. Her face shows dark marks below her dark lashes, tired. She still wears the coat I gave to aid in her disguising as me. No wonder she sleeps after the night of interrupted rest and midnight happenings we’ve had. Not that I am not tired also. 
Stefan is reading his holy book by a dim candle stub. Hans too is asleep. He is laying full out with his legs crossed at the ankles and arms stretched back with his hands cradling his head. He looks as if there isn’t a care in the world. I wonder what a hunting boy dreams about? Chasing down prey and poachers I suppose. 
I think I will bed down too now. Before Grunnd retires for the day.

~ Mäuschen ~

[Previous entry - Precious Commodity]
[Next entry - Blind Beggar Inn]
[First entry - Ranald's Luck]

Friday, 13 January 2012

The Van Tanncred Sword [Warhammer] Precious Commodity

Konistag 6th Ulriczeit 2522
 Life presented me with the embodiment of Grunnd’s question. It demanded my answer.
“What are you little mouse? 
Are you a predator or are you prey?”
Today I made the decision - I am a predator. I will not run. I will stand and fight. I will live. I will feel. I will make my own decisions.
My life has been spent as the pawn in a game controlled by the hand of my incredibly wealthy and seemingly power-hungry father. I am not his piece of property to be traded and used as a ‘commodity’. I am no longer an Eisenjaeger. No longer the merchants daughter. The child has come of age and makes her own life for herself. However long that is will be the decision of the gods.
No matter how I found my way to this point from now on I am here because I chose to be. Not because life and other beings overtook me. I am on this quest to find the Van Tanncred sword - an opportunity of a lifetime to fight in saving the Empire from destruction. I will do the will of the Witch Hunter because his is the fight against chaos. Chaos does not play by rules, it is not pretty, it is not remorseful, not merciful. Fire must be met with fire. All or nothing. I see this now.
News will reach my father that I am now a thief serving my sentence in servitude to the Empire by serving the Witch Hunter Verstohlen. Grunnd told no lies. Pulled no punches.
When Albrecht left the Blue Bird he passed a letter for my ‘master’ Grunnd. Here is what it said -
“He will never let you go Anya, you are 
his most precious commodity.”
Whether this meant he knew I was on board, could see through my disguise; or that Albrecht hoped the letter would be given to me ‘back in the Temple’ where Grunnd said I was in refuge, is unclear. I feel the sickly tendrils of politics and the stench of money in this. 1000 gold crownes is what is offered for my safe return. A price on my pretty little head. I wonder how much I am truly worth to him if back in his grasp?
No doubt my father would tell me he has nothing but my best intentions at heart. That he loves and misses me and that is why he has flexed all influence he can to set the mercantile guilds in his reach to be on the alert for me. To bring his lost dear precious golden child home safe to her family. Of course behind the closed doors of Marienburg where loose lips chatter and twist the fabric of life, home of poisonous gossip, his authority will be in question. “Oh my! He cannot control his own household?” My leaving my ‘groom’ at the altar has most likely offended that most ‘honest’ of families the Ehrlichmann’s. It will be of the utmost scandal among the stalls, the inns, along the wharfs, among the harbourmen, in the washhouse by now. 
If the Eisenjaeger’s were nothing but paupers. If I was a young son. There would not be this furor. No one would care to look for me. I would be considered the lost son - off to become a hero and find his fame, or his fate. There would be no mercenaries risking their skins for the reward. A king’s ransom! Enough to raise an army!
I wonder if I would still be a precious commodity if I were scarred, missing an eye, a limb, my teeth? Would I still be precious if I was found to be with child? My honor sullied? If I had brands or ink marks on my skin, better - my face, like some of the more exotic servants found in the ports? Maybe I could take a vow of chastity at a religious order? Maybe I should forfeit my life in full to Sigmar to fight to restore the balance of Order over Chaos replete?
I must go for now. We are aboard the Blue Bird and ‘safely’ at the beginning of a weeks passage to Talabheim. I shall tell the tale of the Blind Beggar in time.

~ A ~

[Previous entry - Sigmar's Hammer]
[Next entry - What It Takes]
[First entry - Ranald's Luck]

Thursday, 12 January 2012

The Van Tanncred Sword [Warhammer] Sigmar's Hammer

Behzaltag 5th Ulriczeit 2522

I did not plan on taking up the pen anymore this evening but I have just had a conversation I feel I should take note of.
Grunnd had been watching me write. Not that there is anything else to do as his equipment and belongings are now in fine fettle. 
"What’s that you’re writing there little mouse?" I looked up to see his good eye watching me from below a raised thick black eyebrow. His wide mustache twitched a sly smile as he took his hat off to sit it on one of his knees. As if he didn’t know what I was writing.
He leaned forward with his elbow on the other, hand rubbing his chin musingly. 
"A journal of your adventures, eh?” he winked and smiled widely.
“Grunnd gives this Inn three hammers....” he said laughing to himself for a moment then looked distant. “Heh... just remembering a jest I shared with my last companion. We would go from town to town on Verstohlen’s affairs. I remarked we should keep a journal of the towns and give them a rating based on the fights we were in or the trouble it caused us...a silly notion i suppose..."
I like this notion of his. Humour to lighten the severeness of the road.
"What does it say about old Grunnd I wonder? Am I dashing hero of a heroic fable?” I couldn’t help smile and laugh as he flexed an arm and posed in profile for a moment. “No, I should think not. You probably have Grunnd penned as a fearsome half man of furious temper and terrible wrath I imagine, and you wouldn’t be far wrong would you? But don’t be too harsh on Grunnd mouse. I have seen and done terrible things to men, but I am also a fair dwarf and, if I can avoid it all, I'd rather not spill blood.”
All I could do is nod quietly in agreement. There was an inner voice that laughed that he may not enjoy killing if he can help it but that bruising backsides was another matter. I bit my lip, trying hard not to let my amusement show.
"Any questions you'd like to ask of old Grunnd, mouse?"
By this point I had put my pen down and capped the ink lest either drip or dry. Queries came to mind. Most of our conversations had been like this. A query from me and an answer from Grunnd. He is a dwarf of little unsolicited words but if you take the time to ask he will answer.
I asked him about his and dwarven drinking habits. I had heard tell of their legendary thirst for the cask but was confused by his now self-enforced drought.
He nodded and wagged his finger at me. Serious now.
“You are quite right but I can do without the sore heads and the clouded senses. On a job like this the caress of a stupor can be the death of a man, especially in these dark times. I'll keep my wits sharp and the hammer blunt thank you very much." with that he patted the weapon in recognition.
It was valid reasoning, honest. I believe he will not lie to me without good reason. There is no pretense with Grunnd. I went for one of the bigger questions hanging in my mind, plucking the courage from somewhere.
“It is Sigmar you follow? He has chosen you, no?” 
Grunnd nodded. I swallowed and fidgeted with a little braided lock of my old hair I had saved from the cutting. I looked down, a little shy to be asking such a direct question. If I was going to speak of this then there was no better time or person.
“How did you know he had chosen you? How do you know who walks your path and keeps watch over you? I fear none watch me.” I caught myself at that and smoothed the grimy strands between my fingers. Gold glinted in the candle light. Is it not the same in life? That the most precious is to be found within the most base?
I looked up when no answer came. The dwarf was looking at me with both eyes now.
Grunnd exhaled and nodded thoughtfully. He began to recant his tale.
"What Verstohlen told you about the sword and the thing that now wields it, was all true, but he didn't tell you all that happened in that crypt. With a single word that thing bade us to kneel. Compelled by some overwhelming force we fell to our knees in front of its spoken command. As I looked to my companions I saw the fear and anguish in their eyes. Thankfully the Van Tanncred ancestor sought only to bore us to death with more talking, but felt we needed to be a captive audience for that. I found myself ...defiant? I can’t explain the thoughts I had or the sense of injustice I felt. Slowly, ever so slowly, I got off my knees feeling empowered, unafraid, like someone was giving me the strength to stand and fight one more battle. I gripped Storm Breaker and with a voice I can barely call me own, I challenged this Van Tanncred wight to face me, words are for poets after all, put that sword to use and fight me." he went quiet, thinking on the memory. 
"Was it just old fashioned dwarven stubbornness that got me to my feet? or was I chosen by some higher power? This Sigmar of the Empire. I've seen his work. It’s more obvious than the myths and legends of my gods. I believe he got me to my feet. Even my name - Grunnd - roughly translates as hammer to your tongue. Sigmar’s hammer, that is what I think I am now." he smiled wryly. "Anyway, the wight didn't accept my challenge, although he did promise me a swift death next time we meet. I look forward to it."
After another moment of quiet reflection Grunnd gestured at me, "Go on and get to sleep little mouse, I don’t think the nights adventures have begun, and you need to sleep."
It almost made me grin the thought that not even my own father has shown such open care for me and my physical wellbeing and safety in such a long time. It is comforting to know I am not so alone in the dark.
~ A ~
[Previous entry - Mäuschen]
[Next entry - Precious Commodity]
[First entry - Ranald's Luck]

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

The Van Tanncred Sword [Warhammer] Mäuschen

Behzaltag 5th Ulriczeit 2522

One day in this city and so much to tell. 
Altdorf isn’t so much different from Marienburg. Unsurprisingly it is crammed with the hustle and bustle of visitors from far and wide. The stench of so much life in the narrow stony streets does make even a Marienburger’s eyes water. Muck and beggars as much as any city I suppose. It does have these tall spires which it is famous for but not the sea and the tides to wash the filth out twice a day. I am not fond of the sea, for my own reasons, but I do actually miss it. Comes from being a child of the coast. A starfish child as my father sometimes called me as I clung to him as a little one, all arms and legs. 
When we arrived this morning the market was in full sail and the first request when we got out of the cart was to stretch our legs and stock up on supplies and other items. Verstohlen has gone to the Temple of Sigmar for his own duties but at least left us with some crowns and instruction to come here to the Blind Beggar Inn once finished. 
In our trip for provisions Hans was kind enough to purchase a chain shirt on my behalf. We are not too different in build and I would have been sure to raise some eyebrows- a young woman purchasing armour for herself. While this was taking place Grunnd poked me in the side and winked, gesturing me to follow him.
Around the corner he admitted that though in Verstohlen’s presence he did things by the book. He had no problem if I needed to do any wealth liberation while in the city. His moral code is not so narrow. Within minutes we found ourselves in a washhouse doing our own errands. By the time we left I had myself britches, shirts and other small clothing items of the common variety, some sheeting too and some soap as it happened to be laying around and could come in useful. Danielle and Hans had barely noticed us gone when we got back. It was heartening to be back to the old tricks. Grunnd and I exchanged a quick grin before composing ourselves back to nonchalance. 
I made sure to ask Hans to purchase some more ammunition for my pistol while I perused some of the stalls to find what else I needed. Namely some warm gloves, a belt, and a warmer coat. The merchants took on a different tone when they heard my voice. Seems we Marienburgers don’t hold much respect among the Empire’s merchants, no doubt it is jealousy of our free status and wealth. In saying that they treated me well enough as I was the one with the purse. 
When admiring some of the exotic caged birds for sale by an Araby spice dealer a large warm hand pulled me round. It was Albrecht. One of my father’s fellow traders and close guild friends. I was shocked to see someone I knew but I shouldn’t have been as we’re not too far away by boat from home. I did my best to look pleased to see him. Pleased to see another of my father’s fat old friends with their overindulgent frames and patronising manners. The silly little girl smiled stiffly.
He wanted to know why I was in Altdorf. Why I wasn’t with my father and why I wouldn’t go back home. Not that it is any of his business. It seemed to be the most important thing in the world that I return, as if he should care. It was not until later that Grunnd hit on the true possible reasoning- Albrecht would be the hero for bringing home the wayward Eisenjaeger daughter to Johann, my father. I guess maybe it must be an embarrassment, an affront to father that I ran from the marriage he had arranged. That he could not control the women of his house. Maybe my father has even been at the guild asking the others to keep watch for my whereabouts? Why had I not thought on this? I have been busy lamenting my haste and short sightedness in running from my home and my future but now that I could be returned to the gilded cage so quickly, I am not so sure I wish my wings clipped. I may be under the authority of Verstohlen, and I may be closer to death now than ever but I am at least my own person. I may be faced by soul torturing choices but at least I feel alive. Not trapped in the drudgery of the home to dress like a lady proper. I do miss Andreas though and Beatrix with her sweet laughter and heart touching affection. Not that I do not miss my older siblings too but I have not seen Annette since she married. Her husband Meinhard took her away to his home in freezing cold Erengrad, though I see him of course as he returns to Marienburg with his trade. He is a good soul but did he really have to take her so far away from her family? Bernhard is always busy consorting with our father in their dealings, I mean business. I miss Bernhard my brother but not Bernhard the merchant. He is another creature altogether.
When Albrecht told me to wait where I was I followed him a little to see where he was limping off to. Gout, a rich mans mark. I watched as he called the attention of what looked like more of a hired thug than a guard and that was enough for me. I wasn’t being taken back kicking and screaming by a brute. I retraced my steps quickly through the crowd. Scanning faces to find the others. Thankfully they were not far away. I explained to Grunnd what had happened, possibly not very well as my heart was racing and my hands shaking. Flustered girl. I really need to get my nerves under better control. I can shoot a man at close range but not tell one of my father’s friends where to go? Ridiculous.
He shook his head and sighed deeply. He told me that there are two kinds of people in this world - predators and prey. What am I? I said that as much as I wished I were a predator, I know for now I am prey, a mouse. He reminded me of his advice from the banks of the river Reik. To stick the blade in their neck and twist, they die faster. A stranger perhaps but I could not do that to someone I grew up knowing.
Danielle, Hans and I went back to the Inn. Grunnd however took my description of Albrecht and went off looking for him. I am glad he did not find him for as much as I do not like the man, I do not wish his bearded face smashed to so much ground meat by that hammer. 
A few hours ago Danielle and I worked some magic and transformed me from merchant’s daughter to working boy. I wished so hard to be able to wash myself in some warm water and that soap but the guise needed to be convincing. The long hair I once prided myself on was hacked away from waist to shoulder length, all grubby and rat tailed. I tied it back with some leather thong at least all the grease kept it where it should be. We bound my female curves down with torn lengths of the re-appropriated bed sheets. On went my new clothing. By luck they fitted but so much rougher than the finery of my brothers. They will do the job. 
I was shocked when Danielle asked me how much of a man I wanted to be? I was doubly shocked as she shoved her hand down my britches with padding she had fashioned into my new ‘manhood’. ‘Not too big to be a joke and not too small to be a pity.’ 
I am unsure I wished to go this far in the pretense but she has convinced me for one night. I felt exposed as I came back down to the bar but was relieved to see Pieter was not there. No one lifted a brow at my change in person, even the others. I was relieved and glad. 
I am now Andreas, also known as Mäuschen ~ Little Mouse ~. 
I do not think I shall use my family name anymore. It is far too well known among the merchant class and could pose me a threat of more unwanted attention. I had not thought on it but a family member of the Eisenjaeger’s could fetch a pretty penny in ransom if I fell into the wrong hands. Would my father pay it? I believe he would. 
I am sitting in the sparse sleeping quarters of one of the rooms upstairs. I am sure the others will be asleep now but not Grunnd. He is sat on one of the two chairs this room possesses. The other is opposite him, jammed against the door. He says he will not sleep this night for he believes Albrecht will have men come to take me away. I hope not. I hope it is just the imagination of a dwarf too long on the hard road but I guess you cannot be too careful. The others are all in the next room bar Verstohlen who is still at the Temple with his brethren.
Hopefully I will awake on the morrow. We have passage booked on the Blue Bird to Talabheim to chase the iron-forged ‘end of the world’.
~ A ~
[Previous entry - musings]
[Next entry - Sigmar's hammer]
[First entry - Ranald's luck]